Monday, September 20, 2010

Respect. That is All.

This blog post won't be too deep in thought. The content will still leave you in awe.

Kunar Province, Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan has been going on for years. We all know this. Now, I'm not going to discuss whether war is good or if it is bad. It just is. It's just a part of the life that we are currently living in. Hopefully, we will never be directly affected by it. But someone's got to fight for our country during these horrible times. What is going on overseas needs to be heard and seen so that the public can be informed of what exactly our men and women are doing. I have the absolute utmost respect for our troops.
Ground force refueling operation

I stumbled across THIS video of a marine take a bullet to the head during my research. He was saved by his helmet. I can't even image how he felt. I always feel a strange mix of emotions wash over me when I see images or videos such as this. My jaw is always left wide open for the entire clip, and this one was no different. Of course, there are other videos out there of troops doing horrible things, wrongdoings that are unspeakable and that should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I have no respect for them. None at all. But a few should not determine the feelings toward the whole.
Memorial ceremony
With troops being pulled out of Iraq, I felt like writing a quick post about them and how I feel.
Writing some random blog post is not even close, not by a long shot, to expressing my overall gratitude.
They deserve more.

**Links may contain images/videos of violence.**
Read the article, watch the video HERE.
Look at pictures HERE and HERE.

Foley, J. (2010). On Location: A Firefight in Kunar Province. Retrieved from

Taylor, A. (2010). Afghanistan, February, 2010. Retrieved from

Taylor, A. (2010). Afghanistan, August, 2010. Retrieved from

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